Amy’s Free Ideas

Holidays > Easter > Decorations for the home > Good Friday centerpiece and wall decorations

This cross with it’s unique twisted shape is really just a cardboard tube. The top and bottom have been cut off at an angle, and glued back on as the arms of the cross. The inside was painted in a contrasting color to accentuate the shape.

view how to make a cardboard tube cross

As an alternative to a cross, use a crown of thorns to symbolize the death of Jesus, and the resulting salvation for all people. This crown of thorns was made from branches of a mandarin orange tree.

view two ways to make a crown of thorns

Add words to tell the story behind the cross. Although the cross is a symbol of the death of Jesus, the cross has become so common that it’s meaning has become obscure. Choose a word, or a couple of words to put the meaning back into the symbol. I have chosen the word, “forgiven” because that is what happens to each one of us when we believe what happened on Good Friday.

view how to make paper Easter signs

Make a centerpiece to match the theme. This simple one is made with 3 pillar candles. It can be hare to find black candles, so instead, wrap black paper around each candle and tie with a red ribbon. Just be careful not to let the candles burn down as far as the paper, since it would be a fire hazard. You could buy black candles instead, or, fit a tea light with metal liner in the the top of each candle so it only burns the tea light, or simply don’t light the candles. Layering adds interest, so start with a white tablecloth, then add a black table runner, layer on a white plate lined with red paper, then black candles on top. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this--Be creative! I used a scarf for the table runner. A black strip of cloth would work well, but even several sheets of black paper would work, too. Don’t go out and buy a square plate--a round one works fine if that is what you have in your cupboard.

Optional: Red paper hearts can be tied onto the bow of the middle candle with a short length of ribbon.

The meaning:

Three: symbolizes the three crosses, the three days Jesus’ body was in the grave, and the Trinity.

Black: symbolizes the darkness that fell over the earth the hour Jesus died.

Red: symbolizes the blood that was shed for the forgiveness of sins.

Heart: symbolizes the love of God for all mankind.

White: symbolizes the white cloth left in the empty grave, and for Jesus’ purity

Easter morning, take off the black and red, and replace it with purple to symbolize royalty of the King of Kings.

View purple candle centerpiece for Easter

Use a crown of thorns for a napkin wring. You might be able to find a rubber barbed wire bracelet at a dollar store to use for these. If not, make your own.

Make small crowns of thorns with 2 or 3 shorts lengths of wire. Coil them into a loose ring. It will look more realistic if you pinch some kinks into the wire. This wire is covered in brown paper. This kind of wire can be purchased at most craft stores and dollar stores. Hardware stores sell wire, too. You don’t have to be picky--any wire will work--buy what ever is cheapest.

Good Friday--the darkest day in the history of mankind. The day the Savior of the world was crucified. The day the sun turned dark in the middle of the day. It is a good day to reflect on our own sin and how it nailed Jesus to the cross. The black in the decorations, remind us of that dark day, and the red symbolizes the blood that was shed for us. But Jesus did not stay in the grave, so be sure to celebrate the glorious resurrection on Ester morning!