Amy’s Free Ideas

The figures in this tiny resin set are not attached, so I used double stick tape to keep them in place. Otherwise, they would topple over as I moved it in place.

The tiny nativity set is almost the same size as these gingerbread houses. I grouped the red pillar candles with it to call attention to the tiny set.

Here the nativity set is on a nick-nack shelf with other Christmas decorations. It is a reminder to not let all the festivities make us lose site of the real meaning of Christmas.

If a room doesn’t have a shelf to put a nativity set on, then hang one on the wall!  This nick-nack shelf allows me to put decorations in a bathroom that otherwise would have to be limited to a wreath or banner for decorations.

In the photo on the right, the nativity set is part of the dolls’ Christmas decorations--if the set were much bigger, it would be out of scale with the dolls.

This set is so small that it can even be used as a tree ornament, even though it was not made as a tree ornament. Tape 2 twist ties to the bottom, set it on a tree branch, and twist securely to the branch. If you can make the twist ties go through holes in it somewhere without looking ugly, that will be more secure.