Amy’s Free Ideas

Palm Sunday is the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and all the people spontaneously began shouting praises and breaking off palm branches and waving them in the air, putting their coats on the ground to make a “red carpet” for  the coming king, their salvation, to walk on. The religious leaders tried to get Jesus to make them stop, but on the contrary, he said that if the people did not shout his praise, the rocks would! (That would have been cool!!) Jesus’ actions showed that the people celebrating him was a good thing. He didn’t bother to tell them how to do it...he left that up to them. So let’s celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection boldly, wildly--sing a new song unto the Lord!

1. Sing Easter hymns and praise songs (Especially fun if you have palm branches to wave and “dance“ with)

2. Make up your own songs (both the tune and words, or borrow a tune and make up new words)

3. Watch a video on the life of Christ (Warning:  crucifixion scenes may be too intense for young children or sensitive children--just skip them)

4. Play charades about events in the last week of Jesus’ life

5. Play a board game about the life of Christ

6. Work on a mime, skit, or puppet show to present in Sunday school or the worship service on Easter morning (For inspiration, view youtube video:

Link to websites of companies that sell books, DVD’s, games, activity books--lots of fun Easter stuff for all ages:

Christian Books:

Gateway Films/Vision Video:

Palm Sunday is also the day when Jesus wept. He came over the crest of the mountain and saw the city of Jerusalem and all the lost sheep who lived or traveled there. He wept. Perhaps Palm Sunday would be  good day to “weep” for the lost sheep of the world. Here are some possible things to do as a family.

1. Study about a country in the world

2. Make a meal, or order from a restaurant that makes food from that country

3. Play a game from that country

4. Pray for that country

5. “Adopt” a family from that country and invite them over to tell you about their country

6. Plan ways for the kids to earn money to give as a gift to missionaries working in that country

7. Watch a video about the country

8. Watch a video made in that country, that has been translated

9. Have a contest to see who can learn the most words in that country’s language