Amy’s Free Ideas

Seasons > Mother’s Day >  Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day > Mother’s Day cards for kids to make

Cut 2 hearts out of card stock, and 2 slightly smaller hearts from a different color of card stock. Glue or sew together along the straight edges down to the point, but leave the top open to form a pocket. Write Happy Mother’s Day, or decorate as you wish. Use a hole punch to put 2 holes in the top of the large hearts, and tie a ribbon or string to hang the heart from. Fill the heart pocket with flowers or candy and a letter, and it’s ready to give to your mom.

Download heart pattern

To make make the tissue paper carnations:

!. Cut 3 or 4 sheets of tissue paper to 2  1/2 inches (5 cm.) by 4  1/2 inches (9 cm).

2. Accordion fold every half inch, starting from  the 2 12 inch side. Fasten in the middle with a wire that will be the flower’s stem.

3. Spread out from the middle, and pull the layers of tissue apart. Don’t worry if it tears some--you can’t tell on the finished flower.

Some hundred yen stores sell pre-folded tissue paper, but it makes huge flowers. For carnations, cut each strip in thirds, then unfold each third and cut it in half along the middle fold. Separate each half into two stacks of 3 or 4 sheets each. Refold and fasten with wire in the middle. Follow steps 1-3 above to make the flowers. If you do this, each pre-folded strip will make 12 carnations. Since you probably don’t want to make 120 carnations, you can use the left over sheets to make big flowers to decorate the house for Mother’s Day.

If you can find pre-decorated wooden clothespins at a hundred yen store, then all you have to do is write a card and clip the clothes pins to it. If you can only find plain clothespins decorate them yourself:

1. Paint clothespins green.

2. Cut flowers out of pink felt,

3. Cut leaves out of green felt,

4. Glue flowers and leaves to clothespins and flue a yellow button to the middle of the flower

This flower swag can be hung horizontally or vertically.

1. Cut flower shapes out of pink paper

2. Cut leaf shapes out of green paper

3. Cut circles out of yellow paper, or use yellow dot stickers

4. Staple leaves to a string or ribbon.

5. Glue each flower to a leaf to hide the staple, but make sure to glue it below the staple, or it will get in the way of the string if you try to hang it vertically. Double stick tape may be easier than glue to fasten the flowers to the leaves.

6. Glue the yellow circles to the middle of each flower, and write your message on them. For longer messages, write on the packs of the pink flowers. If you want more of a 3-D effect, use padded double stick tape to put the yellow circles on the flowers

How to make a tiny clothes line:

1. Fasten 2 bamboo skewers with rubber bands about one inch (2cm)  from  the sharp end.

2. Fasten 2 more bamboo skewers with rubber bands about one inch (2cm) from  the sharp end.

3. Cut the sharp end off of one more bamboo Skewer

4. Slide the clipped skewer between the open ends of both skewer pairs, and fasten with rubber bands.

5. Make cubes out of Hearty (Karui Kaminendo) and poke the sharp end of the two pairs of skewers into the stands, with the crossbar between them.

6. Cut tiny clothes out of felt or paper, or buy clothing stickers sold at some hundred yen stores or craft stores. You could use doll clothes instead. Write “Happy Mother’s Day” or “I love You” on the clothing, and fasten them to the cross bar with tiny clothes pins, also sold at some 100 yen stores.

Seasons > Mother’s Day >  Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day > Mother’s Day cards for kids to make