Amy’s Free Ideas

Sunday School or Bible Clubs > Crafts > Printable Easter Booklet, Matthew 28

Print out sheet.

Fold in half the long way.

Fold in half so that page 1 and 2 are on the front side, and 3 and 4 are on the back side.

Fold ONLY the top layer so that the left edge exactly meets the right edge. This forms the front cover. Flip it over and fold the back side to meet the opposite edge, too. The booklet is complete.

View from the top, once the booklet is folded.

Optional: Cut the booklet into an egg shape.

Note: Children will not have the strength to cut this many layers at once, so either fold and cut them before class, or have lots of helpers with good pairs of scissors on hand during the class.

The booklet starts on one side, then continues on the back. Another option would be to cut the printed sheet in half instead of folding it in half. Then tape the 2 strips end to end, and accordion fold the booklet pages all the way to the end.

Be careful to NOT cut the top and sides--leave these as folds, or none of the pages will be attached--each page will be separate. If this does happen, just staple the pages together for that booklet, and be more careful about cutting out the next one!

Print out the version with a blank cover and let the children design their own cover.

Download 8x11 blank cover version

Download A4 blank cover version

Print out the version with the cover that has a picture of a gift, since salvation is the best gift any of us have ever received!

Download 8x11 picture cover version

Download A4 picture cover version

Print out the version that has a blank egg shape. Use stamps, or stickers, or markers to draw designs on the egg-shaped cover.

Download 8x11 blank egg-shaped version

Download A4 blank egg-shaped version

6 Cover Options (all other pages are identical)

Print out the version that the cover has the words, “Best Gift Ever!”

Download 8x11 picture cover with words

Download A4 picture cover with words

Print out the version that has a decorated egg, and let the kids color it in with markers.

Download 8x11 designed egg cover version

Download A4 designed egg cover version

Print out the version with a blank cover and design your own cover. Make a photocopy for each student.

Download 8x11 blank cover version

Download A4 blank cover version

1. The chief priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate to ask for guards to secure the tomb. (Matthew 27:62-66)

2. Guards to secure the tomb, and a seal was put on the tomb. (Matthew 27:62-66)

4. The angel tells the women that Jesus has risen. (Matthew 28: 5-7)

Explanation for Each Page (Matthew 28)

3. There was a violent earthquake as an angel rolled the stone away. (Matthew 28: 2-4)

5. The women meet Jesus. They clasp his feet and worship him. (Matthew 28:8-10)

6. The guards tell the priests what happened, and the priests pay them lots of money to say that the disciples took Jesus’ body. (Matthew 28:11-15)

7. Jesus tells the disciples to go into all the world, preach the gospel, and baptize the believers.

(Matthew 28: 16-20)

Download this 8 page booklet to celebrate Easter--perfect for Sunday school or family devotions. Just fold 4 times, and it is done. Or cut it into an egg shape and decorate with stickers, or color in the design. There are 6 different cover designs, but the pictures inside the booklet are the same, whichever version you download.