Sunday School or Bible Clubs > Crafts > Crafts for Boys > 3 Ways to Make a Battleship Game
Make a Battleship Game
1.Draw 4 grids--2 for each player.
2.Draw 5 ships for each player--one that is 4 squares long, one that is 3 squares long, and two that are 2 squares long.
3.Each player puts the ships on their own grid in any configuration (except not diagonally.)
4.Players take turns guessing where the ships are by naming a square’s coordinates.
5.The opposing player says whether it is a hit or miss, and marks this on the second grid.
6.The first player to sink all of the opponent’s ship wins.
Make a Treasure Hunt Game
1.Draw 4 grids--2 for each player.
2.Draw 5 treasures for each player--one that is 4 squares long, one that is 3 squares long, and two that are 2 squares long.
3.Each player puts the treasures on their own grid in any configuration (except not diagonally.)
4.Players take turns guessing where the treasures are by naming a square’s coordinates. (as if they are using a metal detector.)
5.The opposing player says whether it is a hit or miss, and marks this on the second grid.
6.The first player to find all of the opponent’s treasures wins.
Make an Archeological Dig Game
1.Draw 4 grids--2 for each player.
2.Draw 5 artifacts for each player--one that is 4 squares long, one that is 3 squares long, and two that are 2 squares long.
3.Each player puts the artifacts on their own grid in any configuration (except not diagonally.)
4.Players take turns guessing where the artifacts are by naming a square’s coordinates. (as if they are digging in an excavation site.)
5.The opposing player says whether it is a hit or miss, and marks this on the second grid.
6.The first player to find all of the opponent’s artifacts wins.
Make a Whiteboard Game
1.Draw 4 grids onto 2 whiteboards--2 grids for each player. Use permanent marker and rulers. Most dollar stores carry small whiteboards. Sometimes you can find whiteboard paper, or self-sticking whiteboard film. When drawing the grid, if you make a mistake, you might be able to erase it with hairspray or nail polish remover on tissue or paper towels. Another option is a notebook with clear plastic pockets--make a grid on the computer, and print out 4 grids and put inside the clear plastic pockets in 2 notebooks--one notebook/ two grids for each player. Of course, there is also the option to print out grids for one-time use.
2.Draw the ships (or treasures or ancient artifacts) onto the grid with whiteboard markers.
3.Keep track of the “hits” with “X” marks and misses with “O” marks on both grids. It may help you keep track of which is your board and which is your opponent’s board with different colors of whiteboard markers.
4.Make a wall to hide your boards from your opponent with a folded piece of cardboard, or stand a book tent-style.
Make a Foam or Cardboard Game
1.Cut thick foam into 4 squares--2 for each player.
2.Draw a grid on each square with permanent marker and ruler.
3.Use push-pins (tacks) to represent the ships, treasure, or artifacts. Push them into the grid. Optional: draw the items on paper, and push the tacks through the items.
4.Keep track of the “hits” with more tacks. It may help you keep track of which is your board cut outs.
5.Make a wall to hide your boards from your opponent with a folded piece of cardboard, or stand a book tent-style
Option: If it seems too dangerous for children to play with sharp tacks, clip the sharp points off with pliers or wire cuter.
This is a fun game that has been around a very long time, (at least half a century.) However, if the war aspect of it is putting you off, change the game around to be catching pirates, or even more removed, a treasure hunt, or archeological dig. What ever you want to call it, the concept is the same--you hide things on your side that your opponent tries to find without being able to see where it is, and you try to find the opponent’s. If you have woodworking skills and tools, you can make it out of wood. But for all of you who don’t, here are 3 ways to make it.
3 Ways to Make Magnetic board games
1.Option #1: Buy 2 magnetic whiteboards from a discount store (dollar store or hundred yen store.)
2.Option #2: Buy 2 metal cookie sheets from a discount store (dollar store or hundred yen store).
3.Option #3: Buy metal flashing at a hardware store and cut it into 4 squares for game boards. Cover all 4 squares with contact paper. Be careful to cut the corners rounded since sharp corners can cut or tear clothing or skin.
How to make one of the options into a game board:
1.Draw 4 grids onto the metal boards--2 grids for each player. Use permanent marker and rulers.
2.To make playing pieces (ships, treasures, or artifacts) cut sheet magnets for playing pieces, and more magnets for hits and misses. Another option is to draw pictures or make them out of air drying clay. Glue small magnets to the back.
Sunday School or Bible Clubs > Crafts > Crafts for Boys > 3 Ways to Make a Battleship Game
Plastic version of the Battleship game.