Amy’s Free Ideas

The Last Supper is an integral part of the Easter story. It is the time that Jesus instructed the church to remember this event by serving  communion. It is also when he exposed Judas as a traitor, and taught the disciples about servanthood. Later in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus reveals the crushing agony he felt as he faced the cross. No wonder so many churches choose to highlight this event for part of their Easter celebration.

This rendition uses Leonardo de Vince’s painting as the framework. The men hold their poses for about a minute, to look like the painting, then begin moving to tell the story. They even had an art curator to explain about the painting between scenes.

The twelve men each gave a 2 minute monologue, which would make it difficult for children to sit through the whole show.

They reenact Jesus breaking the bread and passing the cup. Then they hold the pose to imitate de Vince’s painting one last time before the final curtain.